Thank you for visiting our FAQ page! We've compiled some of our top questions to help you get started with your Working Moms Day Celebration March 12th!
What is Working Moms Day? This is a day to recognize working moms and all they do. Maybe you have one, know one, or are one! Working moms are a big part of our lives and deserve a cheer!
I've never heard of this before. When is it? Join us in celebrating on Saturday, March 12th, 2022!
Who is a “working mom?” Motherhood looks different on all of us and so does being a working mom. Some of us are paid for our work, some of us aren’t, some of us work full time out of the house, some of us part-time, some of us work from home and some of us are in between gigs. All moms and all communities are welcome to join in on the celebration March 12th.
Why are you doing this? As a community of working moms we understand what we go through on a daily basis and we'd like to encourage recognition and acknowledgement for other moms in our communities near and far. We're all about raising awareness in a positive way and celebrating the challenges we tackle every day!
Don’t moms already have Mother’s Day? Yes and we love Mother’s Day! Can you ever celebrate moms enough?
How can I find others who are celebrating? Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages for Working Moms Day to stay in the loop. You can also search social media for #workingmomsday for what everyone is doing to celebrate!
How can I share how I'm celebrating Working Moms Day? Post about your Working Moms Day deal, promo, event or celebration and make sure to tag @workingmomsday and also use the hashtag #workingmomsday. We will share as many as we can to the Working Moms Day social media pages! Those that are local to Milwaukee can also share their promo details directly into the discussion tab of the Milwaukee event listing on facebook.
I work all day. How am I supposed to celebrate? There are so many ways! Talk to your employer about recognizing moms on March 12, or plan to join one of the events when you're done with work. Additionally, working motherhood looks different on all of us - whether it's 9am-5pm, 11pm-7am or 24/7!
How would I go about planning something for Working Mom’s Day? Check out our other pages for Working Moms Day, keep an eye on our blog and social media and be creative!
But what if my employer thinks it’s not inclusive? Let your employer know that they can celebrate or recognize in whatever way they feel most comfortable or appropriate for your place of work. Maybe it’s a cookie for the moms or maybe it’s as simple as a flyer saying thank you. Anyone can join the movement at any level.
What about Dads? We love and appreciate the working dads in life, but today we want to say hooray for working moms!